First Name
Last Name
Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address
What is your current availability? ( ie: M-Th 5pm-close, F 3pm-close, Sat-Sun Open)
When is this current availability valid until?
We close late (past 11pm weekdays, midnight weekends). Will you be able to work until closing and cleanup? Or do you have a curfew? (if so, what is your curfew?)
How many hours a week are you looking to work?
Are you currently attending school? ( If yes, where and what grade are you currently)
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? ( if yes, explain details)
How long do you plan to work for Nu? ( months, years )
Please list out the last few jobs you had. Where did you work? How long did you work there for? What did you do? Why did you leave?
What motivates you to wake up each morning?
How will you get to work? (ie: I drive my own car, metro, walk as I live next to nu, etc...)
What big life goals do you have?
What can you contribute to our team?
We get tons of applications. Why should we consider you?
Upload your resume ( .doc / .pdf / .jpg / .png / .gif )